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BUÑUEL is heavy. The sound of a difficult situation made worse by an unwillingness and an inability to play nice. Produced by a literal supergroup of global significance, BUÑUEL boasts the sound work of the Italian trio of guitarist Xabier Iriondo (Afterhours, A Short Apnea), the bass of Andrea Lombardini (The Framers), and the drums of Francesco Valente (Il Teatro Degli Orrori), along with the singular vocals and lyrics of Eugene S. Robinson (OXBOW).

Buñuel return with Mansuetude, the band’s brand new release outside of their outlandish trilogy of albums (comprising ARestingPlaceforStrangers, TheEasyWayOutand KillersLikeUs), arriving in September 2024.  The album features among other guest, Duane Denison (The Jesus Lizard) and Jacob Bannon (Converge).